Eden Vets September Newsletter
Pain Awareness Month
Our pets are very good at hiding pain, especially cats.
September is pain awareness month so we are bringing to your attention the subtle changes your pet might be making to show they are in pain. Below are a few simple signs that your cat or dog might display if they are in pain
Does your dog:
Have difficulty rising after rest?
Are they reluctant to jump or play?
Are they slower on walks or less keen to go?
Are they sleeping more?
These 4 very simple signs might indicate that your dog might be feeling some level of pain.
Does your cat:
Sleep more?
Do they have a scruffy coat, or are they unable to groom as well?
Are they reluctant to jump up or down?
Are they more irritable than before?
If you see any of the above reflected in your cats day to day activities and routine it could be feeling some level of pain.
Nearly 2 in 5 dogs over the age of 1 show signs of Osteoarthritis. 9 out of 10 cats over the age of 12 have joint changes on x-ray.
If you feel your pet might be showing some signs of pain please consider booking them in for a consultation.

Meet a member of the Eden Vets team
Stephanie Duddy RVN Cert VNECC – Practice nurse at Eden Vets
Steph trained in a busy small animal practice in Cheshire where she qualified as a registered veterinary nurse. Steph then furthered her career by joining a busy referral practice in Runcorn. Steph gained experience with neurological patients in her role, and this is where her passion for rehabilitation first started. After 5 years she left and joined a specialist physiotherapy practise in Cheshire. She learnt a lot while she was there, and thoroughly enjoyed looking after the geriatric patients and helping them be as comfortable as possible. She learnt how to use the laser therapy machine and how to manage osteoarthritis and joint pain.
Steph joined the nursing team at Eden as our Practice Nurse in January 2023. Steph loves running a wide variety of specialised clinics such as Weight Management and Mobility/Arthritis clinics.
Steph is passionate about helping Geriatric pets with their mobility issues and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal issues.
Steph is also working towards a Certificate in Canine Rehabilitation alongside a Canine Arthritis Management advanced practitioner course.

Eden Vets highlight of the month
Brand New Nurse Clinic – Mobility Clinics
Here at Eden, we are running some mobility clinics for your pets with one of our registered veterinary nurses.
What to expect at your pet’s mobility sessions.
- Upon booking your initial session you will be given a questionnaire to fill out before your appointment. We can provide this by email, or you can collect it from reception.
- At the initial consultation we will discuss the results of your questionnaire and any concerns you wish to chat to us about your pet’s mobility.
- The nurse will discuss pain management and weight management (if needed)
- Your pet will be examined by the nurse to assess mobility, pain and lifestyle restrictions.
- Treatment will be performed at the initial appointment and may include laser therapy and massage.
- The nurse may give you therapeutic exercises to do at home to assist in your pet’s mobility.
- You will also be given an information pack to go home with.
Initial Consultation, Assessment and treatment – £60
Follow up sessions – £40
Block Booking
Initial Consultation and 4 Follow up Sessions -£260
5 Follow Up sessions – £200
Book 5 sessions get the 6th session free of charge! (This can be a block of 5 sessions or 5 Individual sessions)
Health Plan Members get 10% discount on initial consultations and follow up sessions.
If you think your pet would benefit from an assessment, please contact the practice to discuss their needs.

Eden Vets Star Patient of the Month
Meet Rada….
Our STAR patient this week is the lovely Rada. She is a strong-willed 11-year-old Jack Russell terrier cross who normally has a very good appetite and is a bit prone to eating things she shouldn’t!
A few days after a recent bin-raiding escapade her owners knew there was something wrong when she kept being sick and was refusing her usual favourite foods.
She was seen here at Eden, with our consulting vet Jennifer, and was very subdued and found it painful when her stomach was examined.
She was admitted for blood tests, x-rays and an ultrasound scan.
Her x-rays showed a very full stomach with an abnormal appearance despite having not eaten properly and vomiting. The ultrasound scan confirmed the abnormal stomach contents and the presence of an obstruction of part of her intestine.
Surgery was performed immediately by vet Laura and the foreign material was carefully removed from her stomach and her small intestine.
Thankfully she recovered well from her surgery and after an overnight stay in our hospital with lots of care from our lovely nursing team she was able to go home to continue her recovery.
We are very pleased to report she is now back to her usual lively self and her appetite has fully returned. We hope she has learnt her lesson and will stick to her own food in future!