Eden Vets October Newsletter
Does your pet have itchy skin? Has the Vet mentioned allergies? Have you ever wondered whether your pet has allergies to certain grasses/weeds/trees/pollens?
We can perform and allergy test to identify the causes of your pets allergy. Once identified we can then desensitise them to the allergens.
What is Immunotherapy? (Desensitisation)
Allergen-specific immunotherapy works by gradually building up your pet’s tolerance to the specific allergens (particles) that are causing the allergic reaction. Over a period of time small amounts of the allergens are injected under the skin. The injections are administered in increasing amounts until a tolerance / maintenance level is reached. This constant but low level exposure allows your pet to build up its tolerance to those allergens, thus reducing the allergic response when these allergens are met in the environment. Immunotherapy can reduce other medications your pet may need to suppress their itching
During the month of October, Nextmune are offering significant discounts on immunotherapy vaccinations purchased after the submission of an allergy test:
– 50% discount on vaccines ordered after an Environmental allergy test
– FREE vaccine ordered after an Environment and Food allergy test
This offer is only valid for newly tested patients and new immunotherapy vaccines. The sample must be submitted between 1st October and 31st October inclusive to be included in the offer
For more information on immunotherapy: PLEASE CLICK HERE FOR THE IMMUNOTHERAPY LEAFLET

Meet a member of the Eden Vets team
Meet Laura – BVSc CertAVP(SAM-F) MRCVS
Laura is part of our First Opinion and Referral Team with a speciality in Feline medicine!
Laura qualified from Liverpool vet school in 1994. Initially working in Yorkshire with some time out for overseas travel, for the last 13 years, she’s been in practice in Cheshire. She is an RCVS Advanced Practitioner in Feline Medicine and for the past two years has concentrated mainly on felines! She especially loves seeing older patients who may need extra support to live their best lives!
Outside of work, Laura enjoys spending time with her husband and three children. She loves running, playing tennis, reading and yoga as well as overseas travel when the opportunity arise.
She’s the proud owner of a rather cheeky Border Terrier, Mabel, and a rescue cat called Tinkerbell.
Laura will be seeing both our first opinion feline clients as-well as taking referral cases. Laura also runs our dedicated Cat Clinics

Eden Vets highlight of the month
Well she did it!!
Well done Katie . Katie was raising money for a community defibrillator, by jumping out of a plane at 13,000ft, in memory of her Nan, Barbara.
She has managed to raise £2,125 and this will allow us to provide not one but two community defibrillators! These will be located at our Shavington and Sandbach Branches and will be installed very soon.
Did you know all the profits from our toy stand go to charity?
We buy the toys at cost price and put a small markup of £3 on cat’s toys, £4 on dog’s toys and we don’t keep a penny.
We change the charity each time we reach £1000
So far we have raised money for Staffordshire Police dogs, Pet blood bank, Lost dog capture team, Guide dogs and for defibrillators in the community.

Dont forget about our dental offer!
Our dental offer ends at the end of November, Book now to secure one of the few remaining appointments

Eden Vets Star Patient of the Month
This months star patient is the brave Bonnie…
Bonnie who has been in this week to have a stelfonta injection a new innovative non-surgical treatment for a mast cell tumour- a type of cancerous growth that is the most common type of skin cancer seen in dogs. In some cases, surgical removal of mast cell tumours can be difficult due to the margin of normal tissue surrounding which also needs to be removed. As Bonnie’s mass was on the back of her leg, this surgery would have been difficult and she may have needed a skin flap to help with closure. Bonnie’s owners elected to use Stelfonta as an alternative treatment after discussion with vet Gemma.
Stelfonta contains a unique compound, tigilanol tiglate. Which is administered by injection directly into the tumour mass, destroying the tumour by disrupting the cell membrane and cutting off its blood supply. It also stimulates the immune system to fight the cancer, resulting in destruction of the tumour. The tumour then detaches from the healthy tissue and falls away, leaving a temporary wound and healthy tissue where the tumour once was.
This injection was given under sedation. Once Bonnie had recovered, she was able to go home the same day. Bonnie will have reviews with lead first option vet Gemma over the next few days and weeks to monitor her progress and we look forward to keeping you updated with her recovery.
Mast cell tumours can be more common in certain breeds of dogs such as Staffordshire bull terriers, French bull dogs, pugs, English bulldogs, shar Pei and labradors. If you are concerned about a lump your dog has, please book and appointment to see one of our vet’s.
The picture shows the mass the next day after her injection.