Eden Vets November Newsletter
Autumn can be a worrying time for pet owners. Whilst we are celebrating the holiday season of Halloween, Bonfire Night, Christmas and New Year it can present many hazards for pets.
Hazards for Pets can include noise phobias of trick or treaters knocking on your door or Firework displays. Disruption to homes with many visitors during the festive season can also be stressful for pets.
The holiday season can also bring along lots of treats that are poisonous to dogs such as chocolates, sweets, raisins and nuts.
This month we will focus on Noise phobias. Does your pet get anxious during fireworks, thunderstorms, or other loud noiseslike gunshots or bangs? You’re not alone, and there are ways you can help!
Signs of anxiety and fear:
Trembling/shaking, hiding away/behind furniture, panting and pacing, refusal to eat, toileting in the house
Hiding behind or on top of furniture, running away/trying to escape, refusing to eat, toileting in the house
Noise sensitivity can sometimes be linked to underlying medical issues, like ear infections or arthritis. These conditions can cause pain, which may worsen when your dog hears loud noises, making them even more tense and anxious. A vet check-up can help identify and address any hidden health problems contributing to their noise phobia.
Our Vet Nurses are excellent advisors and can provide useful tips and tricks to help reduce your pets anxiety. Our vet nurses can recommend nutraceutical agents and environmental modification, which when started early enough, can help to relax pets and reduce the fear windup. Please book a consultation with one of our Nurses if you would like to discuss ways to help your pet at home in the lead up to bonfire night.
Unfortunately, despite everyone’s best efforts, some pets will require stronger prescription medications which provide a mild sedative effect. If your pet has required prescription medication for bonfire night before, or you are concerned your pet may need mild sedation please book a consultation with one of our Vets where a tailored plan can be put in place.
There is some really useful advice on the Pet Remedy Website:

Meet a member of the Eden Vets team
We’ve some exciting news – a new vet joins our team!
Meet Virginia (Ginnie) BVSc PgC(SAS) MRCVS
Ginnie graduated from the University of Liverpool in 2012 with a Veterinary degree and an extra in Conservation Medicine. She achieved her certificate in Small Animal Surgery in 2018 and has been using those additional skills to further her love of surgery since.
She has recently moved back to the UK from a 3 year stint in New Zealand, where she worked in a busy Small Animal Hospital and lived by the sea in sunny North Island. She is happy to be back in the UK with her husband, two children, Golden Retriever and ginger moggy, and excited to join the team at Eden.
Ginnie will straddle our first opinion and referral surgical teams so you may see her if your pet ever requires surgery!
Be sure to say hello when you meet her!

Eden Vets highlight of the month
November sees the opening of our new Branch surgery in Sandbach.
The branch practice opens on Monday 11th November. We will be offering consultations for routine appointments, preventative healthcare and vaccinations.
Appointments will be available 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday.
We are very lucky that we have a fantastic first opinion and referral practice in Shavington that will provide all surgical and investigative services to all our Sandbach clients should the need arise.
We are also staffed 24/7 at our shavington branch and provide all our own out of hours and emergency care.
We are really looking forward to welcoming all our new clients to Sandbach. You can now register your pet by following this link. Routine Care appointments can now be pre booked by calling 01270 439 289 and our Nurses Bella and Rachael are ready to welcome you.
For further information please visit the website.

Did you know you can now contact us on WhatsApp?
We have a new service and you can Whatsapp us on 07360274233 for all routine enquiries. For emergencies, please continue to call us on the usual number of 01270 439289.
More information on how this service will work will be sent to you soon but for now save this unique number in your contacts list and give it a try.

Eden Vets Star Patient of the Month
This weeks’ star patient goes to Uto….
A 5-year-old Galgo (greyhound-type) who had a nasty accident where he ran into a metal pole whilst playing. It was immediately obvious to his owners that he’d sustained a serious injury, and he was referred to our orthopaedic team.
Fortunately, Edward was able to accept his emergency referral from Uto’s primary care vets and he arrived at the practice within hours of his injury.
His ankle joint (Tarsus) was clearly dislocated, and we formulated a plan to admit him and get him treated.
Radiographs are usually the first method of visualising orthopaedic injuries like this. However, they provide a two-dimensional representation of a 3D moving structure and it can be challenging to interpret with all the layers of anatomy overlapping each other. Edward could get a good suspicion of his injuries from his radiographs; however, we hope you can see that the virtual 3D Ct model provides far superior understanding of the injuries sustained and configuration of the fractured pieces of bone.
Uto hadn’t just dislocated his hock but had fractured multiple bones above the hock which required a more intricate repair!
Fortunately, we were able to use multiple little pins to reattach the small fragments of bone in their correct positions along with a titanium plate.
There is still a lot of healing which needs to occur, but everything is now in its correct place, and he has the best chance of recovering from this intricate injury!!
Well done Uto
As first opinion clients, all our patients are lucky to have access to our referral team of internal medics and surgeons and therefore it is highly unlikely for you to be referred elsewhere for your pets treatment!