Neutering your pet is an important decision and can come with many questions and concerns. We provide FREE pre-neuter consultations where advice on when, why and how to neuter will be discussed.  

Neutering of dogs can be performed from 6 months of age (breed dependent) and cats from 5 months of age, although pets can be neutered at any time. 

We refer to ‘Castration’ for males and ‘Spay’ for females of all species. 

Castration involves removal of both testicles through a single (dogs) or double (cats) incision. Spaying involves removal of the ovaries (ovariectomy) and uterus (womb) down to the level of the cervix. This is performed via midline for all dogs and via the flank for most cats

Neutering Costs

Bitch Spay<10kg£410
Bitch Spay<40kg£450
Bitch Spay>40kg£550
Dog Castrate<25kg£300
Cat Spay£150
Cat Castrate£100

Neutering your pet is an important decision and can come with many questions and concerns. We provide FREE pre-neuter consultations where advice on when, why and how to neuter will be discussed.  

Neutering of dogs can be performed from 6 months of age (breed dependent) and cats from 5 months of age, although pets can be neutered at any time. 

We refer to ‘Castration’ for males and ‘Spay’ for females of all species. 

Castration involves removal of both testicles through a single (dogs) or double (cats) incision. Spaying involves removal of the ovaries (ovariectomy) and uterus (womb) down to the level of the cervix. This is performed via midline for all dogs and via the flank for most cats

Neutering Costs

Bitch Spay<10kg£380
Bitch Spay<40kg£420
Bitch Spay>40kg£500
Dog Castrate<25kg£280
Cat Spay£125
Cat Castrate£80

The health benefits to neutering dogs are:

• Neutering can remove the risk of reproductive system related cancers.

• Older female dogs that have not been neutered are at risk of a potentially fatal condition called pyometra. This is an infection of the womb.

• Neutering may help with behavioural problems and can reduce aggression, possessiveness over toys and food as well as lessen territorial behaviour towards visitors/strangers

• Neutering can also reduce the tendency for male dogs to roam in search of a mate.

*10% discount off for patients
on pet health plan

The health benefits to neutering cats are significant:

• Neutering can remove the risk of reproductive system related cancers.

• Female cats that have not been neutered will be triggered to come into season at different points usually between March and September. When a cat is in season, she might make a very strange noise known as ‘calling’. It can sound like your cat is in pain and usually takes place through the night.

• A male cat that has not been neutered will spray urine to mark his territory (not very pleasant!). The urine of a male cat has a very strong and offensive odour. Neutering will usually prevent this behaviour and the urine of a neutered male cat does not have the same particularly strong smell of a tom cat.

• There is also less risk in a neutered cat of fight wounds, abscesses and sexually transmitted infections that can be transmitted by fighting.

• The risk of road traffic accidents is higher in un-neutered cats because the territory they roam is much larger. A neutered male cat is less likely to roam far from home in search of females.