Routine opening hours for non-urgent case are Monday to Friday 8:30am – 6:30pm
Eden Vets Facilities – Learn about our first-class facilities.
Surgical Facilities | Imaging | Cats and Dogs Ward | In-House Laboratory | Physiotherapy
Surgical Facilities
We have a great range of surgical options.
The hospital has a variety of different operating areas with different levels of sterility for different types of operation.
The three sterile operating theatres all have specialised antibacterial ventilation system with full monitoring, active warming, and anaesthetic equipment.
Orthopaedic operations and keyhole surgeries are carried out in a dedicated extra-large operating theatre which is fitted with the specialised equipment required. The remainder of sterile surgical procedures are carried out in the second and third sterile theatres, while minor non-sterile procedures or dental treatments can be carried out in the non- sterile/dental area.
All of these areas, as well as x-ray and ultrasound suites have a piped oxygen supply and anaesthetic / monitoring equipment to ensure the maximum safety for your pets during any procedure.
Surgical Facilities
We have a great range of surgical options.
The hospital has a variety of different operating areas with different levels of sterility for different types of operation.
The three sterile operating theatres all have specialised antibacterial ventilation system with full monitoring, active warming, and anaesthetic equipment.
Orthopaedic operations and keyhole surgeries are carried out in a dedicated extra-large operating theatre which is fitted with the specialised equipment required. The remainder of sterile surgical procedures are carried out in the second and third sterile theatres, while minor non-sterile procedures or dental treatments can be carried out in the non- sterile/dental area.
All of these areas, as well as x-ray and ultrasound suites have a piped oxygen supply and anaesthetic / monitoring equipment to ensure the maximum safety for your pets during any procedure.
We use several imaging techniques at Eden Vets.
Imaging describes a variety of techniques that produce images of the internal aspect of the body in a non-invasive manner.
We use several techniques routinely in our hospital:
Ultrasonography which uses high frequency sound waves which create echoes inside the tissues to show the internal structure. Ultrasound is used mostly for problems within the abdomen (belly) and the chest especially the heart, the limbs and less commonly the eye.
Digital radiography uses X-ray radiation which is absorbed at different rates in different tissue types such as bone, muscle, and fat, creating an image on a film or digital sensor which can then show us internal structures. This is especially useful for bony structures and the chest, but also has a role in looking at the abdomen.
Endoscopy refers to looking inside the body using an instrument to examine the interior of a hollow organ or cavity of the body. The most common example of this is using an endoscope to investigate the gastrointestinal tract, down the oesophagus, through the stomach, and into the intestines. Biopsies can then be obtained of any organ visualised in this way. We also use these instruments for looking in other regions such as the nasal cavity and down into the airways and ear canals.
We also have our own in-house CT scanner and visiting MRI Scanner. Please see the dedicated pages for more information on these imaging modalities.
Cats and Dogs Ward
We have dedicated kennels for both our feline and canine patients.
We have specifically designed our wards with our patients’ wellbeing in mind. Our cattery is ISFM gold accredited, with glass doors, sound protection and cat hides to ensure a low stress environment. Our dog kennels are large, spacious and cater from the smallest to the largest of dogs.
We offer dedicated 24/7, on-site inpatient care for our registered clients. Our team of inpatient nurses provide an advanced level of care from administering parenteral nutrition via feeding tubes, overseeing blood transfusions, and maintaining chest drain and urinary catheters.
Cats and Dogs Ward
We have dedicated kennels for both our feline and canine patients.
We have specifically designed our wards with our patients’ wellbeing in mind. Our cattery is ISFM gold accredited, with glass doors, sound protection and cat hides to ensure a low stress environment. Our dog kennels are large, spacious and cater from the smallest to the largest of dogs.
We offer dedicated 24/7, on-site inpatient care for our registered clients. Our team of inpatient nurses provide an advanced level of care from administering parenteral nutrition via feeding tubes, overseeing blood transfusions, and maintaining chest drain and urinary catheters.
In-House Laboratory
We have an extensive range of laboratory equipment at our disposal.
We are proud to have a wide array of state-of-the-art laboratory systems which enhance our diagnostic capabilities. We have complete haematology, biochemistry and electrolyte machines with advanced urinary analysers and coagulation profiles. We are also able to run antibody titre tests for canine vaccinatable diseases, pancreatic tests, and accurate progesterone assays for breeders amongst many more!
We also have a microscope which allows our vets to analyse skin samples, urine along with needle biopsies from a plethora of masses (both external and internal). By analysing samples in house, our vets can diagnose infections and arrange appropriate medications and monitor response to treatment efficiently during your appointment.

Because rehabilitation and mobility are important!
Our physiotherapy is provided by PawFit Veterinary Physiotherapy who visit our premises twice weekly. Physiotherapy is utilised in many situations such as post-operatively, general mobility and in osteoarthritis patients. Clients may also be advised to visit their own facility in Whitchurch for advanced rehab such as Under Water Treadmill and Shockwave.
Please visit the PawFit website for more information and how to arrange a consultation.
Because rehabilitation and mobility are important!
Our physiotherapy is provided by PawFit Veterinary Physiotherapy who visit our premises twice weekly. Physiotherapy is utilised in many situations such as post-operatively, general mobility and in osteoarthritis patients. Clients may also be advised to visit their own facility in Whitchurch for advanced rehab such as Under Water Treadmill and Shockwave.
Please visit the PawFit website for more information and how to arrange a consultation.